We can't deny our privilege and power when we're serving people in encampments. The only appropriate exercise of privilege is to benefit the people we serve. Period.

Our work also comes with a degree of responsibility to do no harm. We are doing it wrong if the way we move and the things we do jeopardizes the people we serve.

We are also responsible to protect our volunteers. It's hard, but when we do it right, it's rewarding for our guests and volunteers. 

Witnessing volunteers grow in confidence in their roles by communicating authentically, and building real connections with the people they serve is the best.  It's also kind of the point...

People frequently tell us they feel overwhelmed by the homeless situation and they don't think their efforts will matter unless they are MACRO

They think God wants them to cure homelessness. However, there is so much in between the macro and doing what you CAN DO.

Provide Food for Our Outreach!

Every Wednesday for the last 3 years we have been committed to direct outreach in the River District. We deliver brown bag lunches, hot coffee, water, hygiene products and other basic necessities.  Our outreach program is dependent on donations. Donating the food for our program is volunteering. The truth is not everyone is equipped, or even wants to go out on the streets. 

Click on the images to sign up for our food program. 

Volunteer for Church on the Streets with Trackside Ministry

Be Encouraged is faith based. We are not ashamed of the Gospel, we pray freely, but we don't proselytize. No one we serve is required to do anything to earn our food, hygiene or kindness.

In November we became aware of Trackside Ministry who holds church every Sunday in the River District. They are happy for us to come alongside them. Having a direct connection on the streets to the body of Christ is a huge blessing.

We feed people first. There's worship, a sermon, announcements and lots of prayer.

Service starts at 10:30am on the corner of North B and Ahern Streets. Volunteers for set-up arrive at 10am. E-mail taralouise@beencouragedinc.com to RSVP.

Join on us every Wednesday for direct outreach into unhoused encampments. We deliver lunches, hygiene, clothes and seasonally appropriate supplies. 

Potential volunteers must be able to walk up to 2 miles or stand for 2 hours.  Email taralouise@beencouragedinc.com to RSVP.

City Net Homeless Shelter Outreach - 

March 15 at East Parkway 

City Net provides shelter for men and women experiencing homelessness. Join us to love on the men and women who are staying at the shelter. Volunteers will greet, serve lunch, distribute clothes/hygiene items and help with activities.

East Parkway: https://midtowncc.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2775528

Dreaming shouldn't be a privilege, but when someone is actively engaged in surviving, it becomes a privilege.

The work we do is a DREAM INITIATIVE. 

Our volunteers are actively engaged in moving our unhoused friends from hopelessness to stable housing and the ability to dream again. 

All of the "things" we do, feeding, clothing, hydrating, and being kind are extensions of God's mercy, His demand of  justice for His children, His overarching grace and His Hope for a future for His children.

It's a simple Gospel in which we are called to participate.